Annual Parish Meeting (draft minutes)
TUESDAY 23rd MAY 2023 at 7.30pm.
Present: S. Davey, E Ellinor, C. Dale, M Colebrook, J. Raftery, Cllr. T. Smith, D. Beer (Clerk to the Council)
1. To receive the chairman’s report on Parish Council activities during the past year.
- The chairman reported that the Council had resolved to invest in a VAS speed limit sign, subject to receiving finding via grants from WLDC.
- Anti-social parking in the village had been addressed, and there had been some improvement.
- Signs to alert dog owners to be more socially conscious had been installed.
2. To receive a report on current Parish Finances from the Responsible Finance Officer.
- The RFO reported that the balance in the account at the year end was £9226.
- Expenditure was £4194 and income was £5517 (precept of £4000 plus VAT refund of £230 plus a grant of £700 for the Jubilee and the Community Infrastructure Levy payment of £518.39 which we have carried over to the 23/24 tax year to out towards a speed camera).
- There had been no major capital expenditures this year.
- As no major expenditure was predicted for 23/24, the Council agreed to leave the precept as it was at £4000. Grants would be sought for the purchase of a VAS camera.
3. Open meeting. No comments
The meeting closed at 7.42.