March 2023


Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Rothwell Village Hall on Tuesday 14th March 2023 at 7.30 p.m.


Present: Cllrs S. Davey, C. Dale, M Colebrook, E. Ellinor, W Emms

Also Present: D. Beer (Clerk), Cllr Tom Smith (arrived at 8.00)



1.   Apologies for absence – Cllr J Raftery, Cllr Regis. 


2.   Declarations of Interest  - none


3.   To approve minutes of the meeting held 11th January 2023 – approved and duly signed.


4.   Chairman & Council’s comments: None.


5.   WLDC and LCC Councillors update: 


  • Cllr Smith reported that he had followed up on the parking issues.


 6.   Clerk's report:

  • Letters had been distributed to all residents of Wold View re parking. Cllr Colebrook and the clerk had met with the PCSO. The PCSO said the police had no powers to enforce better parking, and wondered if a bigger problem is created if cars are moved elsewhere. The clerk had received a phone call from Mr Massey who said his taxi is SORN and waiting to be collected by the finance company. A letter had been received in support of the Parish Council’s efforts.
  • Cllr Raftery had collected a free sack of tulip bulbs that had been offered to the PC and had planted them.
  • Gates will be painted under the WLDC volunteer scheme. The Parish Council has to supply materials: 2.5 litres undercoat, 2.5 litres gloss 2x 2” paint brushes and 2 wire brushes.


7.   Finance:  


  • Accounts for payment: 

Clerk’s Fees: £301.45

HMRC £63.60

Emma Ellinor – refund of Land Registry Search fee £6.00

Paints and brushes (Reimburse D Beer) £76.98

  • Payment to village hall – a donation of £180 had been requested, but after discussion, this was felt to be excessive, and the clerk was asked to go back to the Village Hall Committee and suggest that the PC pay the going rate of £10 per hour upon receipt of an invoice.


8.   Planning applications – None


9.   Correspondence: 


  • LALC E-news 
  • LCC Town & Parish News 


10.  Purchase of speed signs: It was agreed to purchase a solar powered Vehicle Activated Sign from Messagemaker with 2 extra brackets so it could be moved to any of 3 locations. Clerk to get up-to-date quote and seek funding from WLDC.


11. Inconsiderate Parking: After discussion it was decided this was not a Parish Council issue but as many of the properties and much of the land was owned by ACIS the clerk was asked to contact them to see if they can resolve the issue. The clerk was also asked to write to residents explaining the Council’s position.


12. Grant for Coronation – there had been no interest in organising an event for the Coronation, so no grant was needed.


13. Other business


  • Cllr Colebrook reported that a litter pick had taken place and had covered much of the village as far as the Parish boundaries. 
  • A resident had asked if it was possible to put a notice near the waste bin, asking dog owners to use the dog waste bin. Cllr Smith said he would see if a lidded bin was available to replace the waste bin. Clerk to prepare notice.


14. Date of next meeting was agreed as Tuesday 9th May.


           The meeting closed at 8.20 p.m.