November 2024
Minutes of the meeting of ROTHWELL Parish Council held at the village hall on TUESDAY 12th NOVEMBER 2024.
Present: Cllrs S Davey, W Emms, E Ellinor, J Raftery, C Dale, M Colebrook
Also Present: D Beer (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence: Victoria Bankes-Price due to work commitments.
2. Declarations of Interest - none
3. To approve minutes of the meeting held17th September 2024 – approved and duly signed
4. Chairman & Council’s comments/updates. Cllr Emms informed Council that Anglian Water are starting work on addressing the problem of the flooded sewer.
5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding
A resident had sent images of the 30MPH speed signs which needed replacing. Cllr Dale had cleaned one of the signs and replaced two with new ones.
A poppy wreath was purchased and would be paid for by the Council.
6. Reports from District/County Councillor. None
7. Finance:
- Accounts for payment.
Payment schedule
Service charges Unity £23.40
Clerk’s invoice £315.99
HMRC £68.80
Resolved to pay the above.
- Updates: VAT of £1487.39 has been reclaimed and is now in the account.
Second instalment of the grant from LCC for playground has been received £2219.00
- Budget for 25/26. The budget was presented to the Council. Council resolved to keep the precept the same as last year.
8. Planning applications – none.
9. Correspondence: email from Richard Fenwick via Tom Smith re signage at Whitegates Hill.
Action: Respond to Richard Fenwick to say that Council would be happy to meet at a time to suit, to discuss.
10. Gigabit Voucher Scheme – more information to follow
11 Christmas Tree – it was resolved to donate funds up to £300 for the tree and lights/electricity. Action – pay into the Blacksmith’s Arms account.
12. Any other business: Fly tipping has been reported just before Boggle Hill cottage and on the Limber Road. Residents had reported this online.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 14th January 2025