November 2021
Minutes of Meeting of Parish Council held at the village hall on Wednesday 17th November 2021.
Present: Cllrs S Davey, C. Dale, E. Ellinor, W. Emms, N. Deakin,
Also present: D. Beer (Clerk to the Council),
No members of the public.
1. Apologies for absence. Cllr I. Kireia, Cllr T Regis. Absent: Cllr Thomas
2. Declarations of Interest NONE
3. To approve minutes of the meeting held 14th September 2021. RESOLVED and signed.
4. Chairman & Council’s comments/updates.
Cllr Dale reported that anti dog fouling notices had been attached to lampposts throughout the village and on the bridle path, which has a particularly high incidence of dog fouling.
5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:
The clerk noted that the gravel on the road had been cleaned up.
Cllr Deakin commented that the culvert needed cleaning out where gravel had washed down and also asked for progress on the soil in the beck issue. Both had been reported to WLDC who said it was "not their responsibility" but the Environment Agency’s. The clerk had contacted them. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Smith re pursuing this issue.
The clerk reported that he had received further correspondence from Sir Edward Leigh’s office re the ongoing drainage issues. Councillor Emms said he would follow up with Anglian Water re the protocol on discharging sewerage into the beck.
The clerk had enquired re deer warning signs but Highways were not prepared to provide any.
6. Finance:
a) Accounts for payment.
DD Beer £296.43
HMRC £61.00
J Nickerson £1260 – grass cutting
Cassells £78.00 - accountancy
Vital Signs (via Chris Dale) £46.72 – signage for footpath
It was RESOLVED to pay these accounts and cheques were duly signed
b) On-line banking. Cllr Davey was still looking into this.
Budget: It was RESOLVED to set the precept at the existing figure of £4000
7. Review standing orders – it was RESOLVED to adopt the updated standing orders
8. Planning applications: none.
9. Correspondence
LALC e news
Letter re Platinum Jubilee
Letter from Sharon Comiskey (Guy Martin’s partner) re Thoresway MotoCross track
10. Speed restriction signs update.
It is possible to get approval to install a sign, but the cost of a new one from WLDC is prohibitive. Clerk agreed to research independent suppliers and Cllr Davey would further enquire with the clerk at Caistor re obtaining their redundant sign.
11. Village Hall. There had been 2 meetings and there was some interest from residents to join the committee. The chairman of the committee felt it would be best to wait until the AGM before officers are appointed. Accounts needed to be clarified before a new treasurer could take over. It had been agreed to set up a working party to clean and tidy the hall. Some events had been planned on 3rd, 9th and 17th of December and a Burns Supper in January. The event on the 9thwould be an “open evening” for the village to come and view the hall and socialise. It would be free of charge. It was felt that 3-4 events each year could finance the running costs of the hall. It was suggested that, once the committee is established and the hall is back to running on an independent basis, the PC should pay rental for the hall for meetings.
12. Platinum Jubilee:
Events would take place between 2-5 June 2022. The clerk mentioned that there were funds available to help pay for celebrations and he agreed to follow up. Cllr Davey mentioned a supplier of lights for events and clerk agreed to research this.
13. Any other business:
Cllr Deakin mentioned that there was a local resident who was interested in becoming involved in the Parish Council. This has been noted should a vacancy arise.
The issue of trees overhanging the road was raised and Cllr Emms agreed to talk to R Nickerson to see if these can be cut back.
The issue of bad parking in the village was raised. Cllr Emms agreed to discuss with the owners.
Discussion was had re setting up a Christmas tree.
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Wednesday 19th January.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.24.