September 2021
Notes of Meeting of Parish Council held at the village hall on Tuesday 14th September 2021.
Present: Cllrs C. Dale, E. Ellinor, W. Emms, N. Deakin, R Thomas
Also present: D. Beer (Clerk to the Council), Cllr Tom Smith (LCC) Cllr Tom Regis (WLDC). No members of the public.
1. Apologies for absence. Cllr S Davey and Cllr I. Kireia.
Cllr Dale took the chair.
2. Declarations of Interest NONE
3. To approve minutes of the meeting held 14th July 2021. RESOLVED and signed.
4. Chairman & Council’s comments/updates.
Cllr Dale reported that the footpath was being well used. The beech arch needed cutting – councillors agreed to deal with this.
5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:
The clerk said he had reported the gravel on the road and WLDC are "taking action" as reported 1st September. Cllr Emms reported he had seen a sweeper lorry but the gravel was still there. Furthermore, the drains at the junction of Wold View and Hill Rise were blocked with gravel. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Smith re reporting this issue.
The soil in the beck issue was also reported to WLDC but was "not their responsibility" but the Environment Agency. The clerk duly contacted them. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Smith re pursuing this issue.
The ongoing drainage issues were discussed with Cllr Smith and he agreed to follow up with Sir Edward Leigh and Anglian Water.
6. Finance:
Accounts for payment. None.
On-line banking. Unable to progress on this at present. (Cllr Davey was looking into this.) (Agenda item for next meeting.)
Budget: The clerk issued a draft budget and pointed out that, with the expenses for the village hall, the PC was in danger of overspending on income. Discussion was had about why the PC was paying for the village hall, as it was a registered charity and should be independent. Cllr Regis pointed out that the PC would not be able to include village hall costs in the application for the precept. It was agreed to meet with the trustees of the village hall to find a way forward to make the village hall self-financing.
7. Review standing orders – as councillors had not had chance to review the standing orders this item is deferred to the next meeting.
8. Feedback on insurance provision – Cllr Ellinor reported that she had reviewed the current insurance provision and it seemed adequate and appropriate for the needs of the PC.
9. Planning applications NONE
10. Correspondence from Mr K Ryder regarding feeling left out of village affairs. The clerk said he would inform Mr Ryder of any new items on the website.
11. Speed restriction signs update.
The clerk had asked LCC about obtaining a Traffic Regulation Order. As this had to be referred to a county councillor, Cllr Smith agreed to follow this up.
11. Village Hall. There may be interest from someone to join the committee. The Queens Platinum Jubilee was thought be a good opportunity to hold an event and raise awareness of the hall. There may be funding available.
12. Any other business:
The “village walk” was ruled out as it was too dark to see.
On the issue of dog fouling, Cllr Regis agreed to see if more dog refuse bins could be obtained. Notices or fines seemed not be work.
It was reported that at Cherry Valley Top a herd of deer had been spotted and it was requested that the clerk ask Highways for a sign on the roads coming into the village warning of deer.
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Wednesday 17th November.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30.