July 2021
Minutes of Meeting of Parish Council held at the village hall on WEDNESDAY 14th JULY 2021.
Present: Cllrs S. Davey, I. Kireia, C. Dale, E. Ellinor, W. Emms, N. Deakin,
Also present: D. Beer (Clerk to the Council)
1. Apologies for absence. Cllr. R Thomas
2. Declarations of Interest NONE
3. To approve minutes of the meeting held 19th May 2021. RESOLVED and signed.
4. Chairman & Council’s comments/updates. None.
5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding
The clerk reported that he had made enquiries with Zurich insurance and the item referred to by Cllr Ellinor (Page 11 of the schedule: Environmental clean-up costs) is part and parcel of the Public Liability Insurance, which in turn is included in the insurance we have with them. There is no option to have this deleted, or indeed if we did there would be no subsequent reduction in premium.
Cllr Ellinor was asked to look into this policy further to see if it is still relevant to the council.
Cllr Dale reported soil had been dumped into the beck by the contractors doing the roads. This has been reported.
Drainage: The clerk reported he had again written to Sir Edward Leigh who said he had written to the Chief Executive at WLDC and to the Environment Agency on our behalf. He visited on 21/5/21, meeting with Cllrs Emms and Davey. He immediately put a video on Twitter saying that Anglian Water needed to do something about this. The clerk has again asked him to chase up the Environment Agency.
The clerk had forwarded to Councillors the reply from Andy Gray, which was very unsatisfactory, so he wrote to him again, asking him to put pressure on Anglian Water.
LCC in a message on June 23rd said they will not take any action as when they visited they saw no problem. Clerk agreed to chase Anglian Water/Sir Edward Leigh again
Positioning of sign for Partridge Drive: Clerk again queried, with LCC, its positioning but has had no reply.
Fingerpost sign:
This has been recorded under reference number 4159370 and the job is on LCC’s list.
Website has had 233 users with 592 views during June.
6. Finance:
Accounts for payment.
Clerk’s Fees: £300.99. HMRC £61.00
Banking – update on move to on-line banking. Cllr Davey to look into this further.
7. Planning applications NONE
8. Correspondence E-news and letter from Sir Edward Leigh (reported above). An email from NALC saying that Standing Orders are now out of date and we need to adopt the new version. Councillors to review, discuss and resolve to adopt, if appropriate, at the next meeting
9. Update on the footpath and signage. Cllr Dale reported that the signs are in place, and the footpath is being used. Signs had cost £47 and it was resolved that Cllr Dale would be reimbursed on presentation of the receipts.
10. Speed restriction signs update. The clerk reported that he had contacted Caistor TC and they are trying to find their sign with a view to letting us purchase it. The sign would need new batteries.
The clerk was asked to check if planning permission would be needed to erect this sign.
11. Village Hall. The clerk reported that updated information about the village hall is now on the website. Cllr Kireia said that more people were needed on the committee and to that end had produced a leaflet to distribute in the village. Discussion was had as to events that could be organised to raise money for the hall. The Queens Platinum Jubilee was thought be a good opportunity to hold an event and raise awareness of the hall.
12. Any other business:
The clerk was asked to report to LCC that gravel had been washed down to the bottom of Dale Rise to the entrance to Wold View casing a dangerous and slippery surface for road users.
The state of the roads was discussed and Cllr Deakin suggested a “village walk” after the next meeting (weather permitting).
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Tuesday 14th September.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.05.