Minutes November 2019
Minutes of the Meeting held at Rothwell Village Hall on Tuesday 19th November
2019 at 7:30pm.
Present: S. Davey, I. Kireia, C. Dale, R. Thomas, W. Plaskitt and W. Emms.
1. APOLOGIES: None. Brian Milne had resigned as councillor.
3) MINUTES OF MEETING OF 17th September 2019: Signed as a true record.
4) CHAIRMAN & COUNCIL’S COMMENTS: Discussion took place regarding flooding on Beckside. The beck is blocked at the entrance to Rothwell House and the clerk advised that under riparian rights it is the responsibility of the land owner abutting the watercourse to keep it clear. Cllr Emms stated that the sewage pipes are blocked and backing up and that water is not coming from the beck. However council was concerned that surface water should not be entering the sewage system. Council advised house owners to contact the Environment Agency.
5) CLERK'S REPORT ON OUTSTANDING MATTERS: All highways issues were reported after the last meeting but none have been actioned. Council has been advised that no action is to be taken on the recently reported pothole on Beckside but are concerned as this is linked to the collapsed drain. Clerk to report this again. Cllr Emms advised that the bench has been installed in the play area.
6) FINANCE: ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT: H. Pitman: £218.66; HMRC: £43; Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal: £18; C. Dale: £39.98; Rothwell Village Hall: £906.69. Resolved to pay. The chairman will access forms from internet banking to add Cllrs Dale and Thomas as signatories and remove those who are no longer councillors.
7) PLANNING APPLICATIONS: Appeal: Rothwell House re retrospective permission for 4no windows.
8) CORRESPONDENCE; Clerk & Councils Direct.
9) TO FURTHER DISCUSS PLANS FOR A VILLAGE CHRISTMAS TREE: Cllr Dale has purchased two sets of Christmas lights. The electricity supply to be provided by the Blacksmiths but needs to be tested. A fork lift is needed to move the tree into place. Carols to be sung around the tree on Sunday 22nd December.
10) TO DISCUSS & RESOLVE ON REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR A VILLAGE EVENT TO COMMEMORATE VE DAY: Resolved to award £500. Proposed, Cllr Davey. Seconded, Cllr Kireia.
11) TO RESOLVE ON BUDGET & PRECEPT FOR 2020: Resolve to remain at £3,800. Proposed, Cllr Davey. Seconded, Cllr Emms.
Meeting closed at 8.15pm