November 2022
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Rothwell Village Hall on Wednesday 29th November 2022 at 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllrs S. Davey, C. Dale, J Raftery, M Colebrook
E. Ellinor, W. Emms
Also Present: D. Beer (Clerk), Cllr Tom Smith,
1. Apologies for absence – Cllr Regis. (Cllr Thomas absent)
2. Declarations of Interest - none
3. To approve minutes of the meeting held 7th September 2022 – approved and duly signed
4. Chairman & Council’s comments: Cllr Colebrook reported that the noticeboard had been moved to the other side of the bus shelter, as discussed, and would need a little more work to preserve the wood.
5. WLDC and LCC Councillors update:
Cllr Smith reported that he had been in touch with Joe Phillips re the dangerous 4-way junction on the A46 at Caistor top and the matter had been referred to the Road Safety Partnership. He had also written to Sir Edward Leigh.
He had also reported the drainage issues to Highways. Cllr Emms said that drains were still blocked after heavy rain, but no flooding had occurred so far this year.
6. Clerk's report:
A Community Infrastructure Levy payment of £518.39 had been received. The levy applies to Planning Application 140587 (Former Workshops, Partridge Drive, Rothwell, LN7 6BH.) This receipt, and how the money is spent, will need to be reported on the form and posted on the website. This can be spent on community infrastructure projects. It was suggested by Cllr Ellinor that this could go towards speed restriction signs. The clerk was asked to research refurbished signs.
7. Finance:
Accounts for payment:
Clerk’s invoice: £295.87
HMRC: £63.60
Balance in the account is £11,330.50
8. Planning applications – Application 14590: To remove sunroom and erect two- storey extension at 14 Beckside LN7 6BD. No objections. Clerk to respond to Planning.
9. Correspondence: None
10. Dog fouling. Cllr Dale reported that letters had been delivered to every household and these seem to have had an effect as no dog fouling had been reported since. He also noted that villagers had been pleased that the Parish Council had taken action.
11. Other business
- The speed of cyclists on the bridlepath through the park was a matter of concern but it was agreed it was difficult to police.
- The gates at the entrance to the village need repainting.
- Leaves on the footpaths were causing problems. Clerk to ask Street Cleaning if they can attend to this.