January 2022


Minutes of Meeting of Parish Council held at the village hall on Wednesday 19th January 2022.  


Present: Cllrs C. Dale, N. Deakin, E. Ellinor, W. Emms, R. Thomas

Also present: D. Beer (Clerk to the Council),  Cllr Tom Smith

One member of the public.




1. Apologies for absence. Cllr I. Kireia, Cllr S Davey.


2. Declarations of Interest NONE


3. To approve minutes of the meeting held 17th November 2021.  RESOLVED and signed.


4. Chairman & Council’s comments/updates. 

Re inconsiderate parking: Cllr Emms reported that he had sent an email to the owner of the car which parks on the pavement at the corner of School Lane, but had had no reply, and the parking continues. Cllr Emms agreed to try to talk to the owner. A resident had also complained that a horsebox is parked on the road next to her drive, obscuring her view when leaving her drive. Cllr Dale agreed to try to speak with the owner.

Re dog fouling: despite notices, it appears that the same people (perhaps some residents but also some visitors) are still allowing their dogs to foul the footways. It is particularly bad on Partridge Drive.

Re: Permissive footpath: Cllr Dale noted that the surface was uneven and, when wet, was very slippery. It was agreed that nothing could be done as this was a permissive path, and the landowners would not wish to have a more permanent surface.

A local resident spoke to refute allegations that her 3 doberman dogs have been barking continuously and were in distress. Cllr Deakin and Ellinor confirmed the reports of the continuous barking. The owner of the dogs said she had bought anti-barking devices to try to curb the barking.


5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:

There had been correspondence between Anglian Water and Sir Edward Leigh explaining the situation re the drainage in the village. Cllr Emms noted that some remedial work had been done. Cllr Smith agreed to follow this up.

It was noted that the gravel in the culvert at the corner Hill Rise/Wold View had been cleared, but Cllr Emms reported that more had washed down since. The clerk was asked to follow up with Highways and Cllr Smith agreed to follow up too.

The poor surface of School Lane was discussed – Cllr Smith agreed to discuss with highways. 

6. Finance:  

a) Accounts for payment.  

DD Beer £285.63

HMRC £61.00

It was RESOLVED to pay these accounts and cheques were duly signed


b) On-line banking. Cllr Davey was still looking into this.


c) Village Hall finances: It was agreed, since the hall had received a Covid Recovery grant, that the Parish Council should not be funding the hall, and the money paid during 2021 should be refunded to the Parish Council. It was RESOLVED to ask for a refund of bills paid on the hall’s behalf once the committee was formed at the AGM at the end of January.



7. Planning applications: none.


8. Correspondence 

LALC e news

Letter re Platinum Jubilee Big Lunch



9. Speed restriction signs update. 

The clerk distributed a further quote for a variety of signs – most of which are around £2000. The clerk noted that the police sometimes offer grants for speed signs and he agreed to look into this. He also agreed to follow up with the clerk at Caistor re their redundant sign.



10. Platinum Jubilee:

Events would take place between 2-5 June 2022. The clerk had applied for the Jubilee grant and the funds and plans which had originally been made for the VE celebrations, would be re-used for the Jubilee Celebrations.


11. Any other business:

The clerk reported that Cllr Kireia had tendered his resignation from the council, leaving a vacancy. Cllr Kireia was thanked for his contribution to the Council. 2 local residents were named as showing an interest in becoming involved in the Parish Council. The clerk agreed to post a notice on the notice board and website.


The date of the next meeting was agreed as Wednesday 16th March.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.24.