Minutes September 2020


Minutes of the Meeting held virtually on Tuesday 15th September 2020 at 7:30pm.

Present: Cllrs S Davey(Chairman), C. Dale, W. Emms, R. Thomas and N. Deakin.


 1. APOLOGIES:   Cllr I. Kireia.


3.  MINUTES OF MEETING OF 20th July 2020:  Signed as a true record.

4.  CHAIRMAN & COUNCIL’S COMMENTS: The chairman said he was still having problems setting up internet banking and was visiting the bank to resolve the removal of old signatories from the account. Cllr Deakin had spoken with a couple who had contacted council about problems they were experiencing but this was not a matter for council.   

5. CLERK'S REPORT ON OUTSTANDING MATTERS: The clerk confirmed that she had been informed repairs are now scheduled on Beck Hill regarding the "Slow" markings. Recent NALC and LALC advice is that councils should continue to meet  remotely. She asked whether the chairman had any luck with a prospective replacement. The chairman said he would speak with the individual concerned

6, FINANCE: ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT:  H. Pitman: £223.29; HMRC: £46.40. Resolved to pay. The clerk confirmed the annual audit is now complete and that VAT of £23.30 has been reclaimed.

7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 141491, Partridge Drive extension to the rear: no objections/comments. 


9. TO DISCUSS INSTALLATION OF A FOOTPATH ON BECKSIDE FOLLOWING RESPONSE FROM MERTON COLLEGE: The council asked that a meeting with the Estate Manager be arranged and an invitation to be sent to Chris Miller once a date has been fixed.


Meeting closed at 8.07pm