Please tell us what you think about the draft public rights of way improvement plan before 5pm on Monday 9 June 2025.
The draft, a two-page summary and a short survey are here.
You might recall being invited in the autumn to comment on needs from public rights of way. We’ve used that feedback, existing policies, and local data to write a draft PRoWIP.
The draft document shows how LCC will meet our statutory duty under the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000.
Public rights of way (PRoW) are highways that the public are entitled to use at any time.
An improvement plan must:
- assess how PRoW meet the present and likely future needs of the public
- check that PRoW provide for exercise and other forms of outdoor recreation and enable people to enjoy the area
- consider local PRoW accessibility to blind or partially sighted persons and those with mobility problems
We look forward to receiving your views.
Kind regards
Sarah Moody
Senior engagement officer
Lincolnshire County Council, Room 42
County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL