January 2025

Draft minutes of the meeting of ROTHWELL Parish Council held at the village hall on TUESDAY 14th JANUARY 2025. 


Present: Cllrs S Davey, W Emms, E Ellinor, J Raftery, C Dale, M Colebrook, V Bankes-Price

Also Present: D Beer (Clerk), Cllr Tom Smith


1. Apologies for absence: none


2. Declarations of Interest - none


3. To approve minutes of the meeting held 12th November 2024 – approved and duly signed


4. Chairman & Council’s comments/updates.

A meeting had taken place re the signage. Highways agreed they would take the offending sign down. 


5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding

  • Clerk’s fees: the new hourly rate from 1/4/24 is £14.36, so back pay of £58.24 is due.


  • Fines for late payment of tax since 2022 (sent to the Village Hall address so notices only just received) have been cancelled due to clerk’s appeal to HMRC


6. Reports from District/County Councillor. 

  • Cllr Smith reported about proposed road improvements on Wold View. Work by ACIS was being held up by Northern Powergrid who plan to put cables underground, and there would be no point in starting road works until this was done. 
  • There is a new water leak on Beckside. Anglian Water’s emergency works have exposed a gas main and it is clear that there is still a gas leak. Cadent need to be informed again. Cllr Smith left the meeting at 19.54.

7. Finance:  

  • To sign the final claim for the precept. The final claim was duly signed.
  • It was resolved to accept the clerk’s claim for backpay at the new rate from 1/4/24
  • Accounts for payment. 

Payment schedule

Unity service charge £6.00 30/11/24

Unity service charge £6.00 31/12/24


Clerk’s Invoice £443.04 

HMRC £80.40

LALC subscription £88.18 

It was resolved to pay the above.


8. Planning applications – none.


9. Correspondence: The clerk had heard from a Joy Brown whose parents had lived in Rothwell late 1950s/early1960s and had kept a typed record of the history of the village. This document was handed to the Council for safekeeping. Cllr Emms will attempt to scan with a view to putting it on the gallery’s website.


10. Gigabit Voucher Scheme – update from Stephen Brookes: Rothwell is certainly included in Project Gigabit, but due to ongoing delays at BDUK, we still do not have the fine detail regarding exactly when. We hope to be in possession of said data by the end of this month. 


11. Any other business: Cllr Dale reported that he may need to miss the next 2 meetings due to major knee surgery.

Cllr Bankes-Price proposed the idea of a family fun day to involve clearing the beck, and increasing awareness of the ecological importance of the stream, maybe ending up with tea at the village hall.